"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me." - Galatians 2:20

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Friday, November 14, 2014


We all know someone riding the fence of faith.  Maybe a neighbor whose grieving, the single mom on your child's soccer team, the lady at the public pool you sit by, or your co-worker, who shows interest in God, but is afraid to admit she doesn't really understand God's story or His unconditional love for her.  

I am excited to announce the release of a fabulous new book targeted to the unsure wavering audience, "For the Love of God:  A Woman's Guide to Finding Faith and Getting Grace," by Jenny Suplizio.  I recommend this book not just because I had the blessing to contribute a portion to chapter 7, but really, this work is a helpful tool that offers hope, grace, freedom and a whole lot of love, God's love.  

Jenny writes with candid honesty strait to the heart.  While sharing her own faith struggles, she allows readers to see, that she too, has been there.  Jenny wrestled through her doubts and questions with God and emerged a new creation in Christ Jesus.  She knew she was called to minister to others walking in those same shoes.  Through her humor and humility, she gently nudges readers to abandon their fears and embrace Jesus, the only One worth pursuing.   

Please welcome Jenny Sulpizio.  I'm thrilled to have her with me today for a short interview regarding her new book.

What inspired you to write this book?  Why did you want to reach out to new believers and/or those struggling in their walk with God?  

Plain and simple:  I've been there.  In fact, I resisted a relationship with the Lord for so, so long.  Despite His best efforts to get my attention.  Despite the emptiness I felt and the longing I had.  I understand those feelings of fear when it comes to walking with the Lord, the uncertainty one has when it comes to seeking their Creator, and I wanted to provide these women the encouragement they need as they seek God and what it means to be His daughter.

Why do you think so many people struggle when it comes to the issue of discipling?  Why is it so hard to talk about Jesus?  

Honestly, I struggle with this at times and I'm not sure of all the reasons why.  But here's what I do know . . . we are called to disciple and make His Name known.  We are absolutely commissioned by God to defend Christ, to share His gift of salvation, and to disciple others in the faith.  That is why we are here.  In fact, this is our entire pupose on Earth . . . not to shine the light on ourselves or live this life for our desires and plans, but to live solely for Christ and to share the Gospel with those He places in our circles of influence.

In your book, you mention your defiance towards the Lord.  In fact you discuss how you willingly made God an outsider in your life, pushed Him away, and ignored His presence.  Why do you think this is a widespread epidemic amongst our culture today?

For me, it was fear.  I was afraid of what it would look like to truly believe in God . . . what it would mean.  I was scared by what he might ask me to do, the rules He's want me to obey, as well as the guilt I'd have to confront should I choose to follow Him.  I was a woman desperately in need of this loving, grace-filled relationship and yet I kept making excuses as to why I shouldn't or couldn't follow Him.  One of 'em right after another.

Thank you, Jenny, for sharing your heart with us today.  

Friends it's time to join Jenny in the God's Girl Movement, a movement designed to minister to women in need of true hope, true joy, true fulfillment . . . simply stated, they need Jesus - and they need women, like you and me to come alongside them in true discipleship - to link arms as we walk towards Christlikeness together.  Will you join us, friends?  Together, we can impact this world for Him.

To find out more information or to purchase a copy of this book, please click:  here

Enter for your chance to win:  If you would like to be entered to win a free copy of this book, please give a shout out for this new release by posting a comment and sharing this post to Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.  You'll be entered to win with each social media used.  A random name will be drawn next Tuesday, November 18th at 2pm.

Friday, June 13, 2014


Spring and summer make a grand entrance.  New life sprouts where thatched grass once existed.  Bulbs poke through the earth, smiling through cheerful colors and whimsical shapes.  This season exudes playful beauty.  

There I was, minding my own business while I coveted relished the yards in our neighborhood recently, when an unexpected garden lesson began to un-choke my tangled heart. 

Two weeks ago our family tackled some yard work.  We were hopeful to somehow repair the train wreck on our property.  Our lack of landscape bothers me like sitting on the toilet in the dark . . . only to realize the lid is still up.  Nasty, right?  I have a thang for pretty yards and flower beds.  Due to some interior house issues we have yet to tackle my preferred project . . . the yard.  

I began to reminisce of the good 'ole days back in Boise, where our yard and garden were a lovely respite and joyful sanctuary.  

Sometimes, it's unwise to look back.  Focusing on the past can keep our vision blurred for the future. (Care to Tweet)

Take a gander . . . 

These photos don't even show the fruit trees, blueberry and raspberry bushes.  Nor do they show the enchanting flower beds around the home that echo eloquence and delight.

Now envision my new garden in Spokane.  It is not physical, but rather spiritual.  God is giving me eyes for the eternal to see this.  The hearts of my neighbors are the places I now plant seeds.  
  • Seeds of hope.  
  • Seeds of love.  
  • Seeds of friendship.  

Behind their eyes I see hurting souls, broken hearts and isolation . . . all in need of connection.  God showed me I certainly do have a new garden in Spokane; one of eternal value and lasting beauty.

He beckons my response to this question, "The harvest is plentiful, Hester, but the workers are few.  Will you join Me in this harvest?"  

God is doing a new thing in my heart.  I'm done grieving over what I miss.  I can honestly tell you, I don't even give a rip about my undone yard anymore.  It actually feels good to be okay with this.  

Maybe I'll plant some flowers this year, maybe I won't.  Flowers are God's lovely creation and gardening is not wrong.  I think more than anything, God has taught me to stop complaining of what I don't have and recognize what I do have:  Something of greater value needing my care and cultivation for this season.  

He is replacing the weed of discontent with seeds of love, with a fruitful harvest in mind.  This new perspective allows me to accept that while I would like my yard to look differently, the investment of time this year is in His eternal garden.  As I keep my focus on the present it will help my vision stay clear for the future.

I have quietly prayed for revival in my neighborhood for over a year.  The gates of heaven have been stormed with private petitions.  We have intentionally reached out to our neighbors since we moved to this area of town two years ago.  We want to be their friends.  We want to love them as Christ would.  We are slowly reaping the blessings of friendship amongst them.  

What garden is God asking you to invest in?  The harvest is plentiful . . . I want to be a worker of His harvest.   How about you?  

Friday, March 28, 2014


For those Idaho friends who share this post to Facebook or Twitter, I will enter you in a drawing for two free tickets to this conference - to be announced on my Facebook ministry page, Hester's Heart, April 1st, 2014, before 5pm (PST).

Dear women and teen girls of Idaho,

You live in a culture that says your identity and value depend on your appearance, popularity and success. That's not true. You are more than: the size you wear, your "likes" on Facebook, the mistakes you've made, the scars you carry, the dollars in your bank account, and the things you do, even for God! 

Join us at the More Than A Number event to learn God's Truth about who you are and why you matter. Receive His love and find freedom to impact your world as God intends! (we need you...)

The More Than A Number event will take place on April 5, 2014, from 9:00am - 2:00pm, at the Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Boise, ID.  We will be hosting special musical artist Holly Star, and guest speakers, Constance Rhodes, Teasi Cannon, Dr. Megan Osborne and Lauren Lenhardt.  Tickets are $15 each or 2 for $20.  This is going to be an incredible event.  For more information, or to buy your tickets, please go towww.MoreThanANumberIdaho.com 
We hope to see you there!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Hello there Friends!

As you may have noticed, I have not posted a devotion the last two Fridays like I normally do.  Due to the time needed to prepare my weekly messages for teaching the Bible study I wrote last year, I am unable to maintain my regular schedule at this time.  I am hopeful to return in March when my weekly teaching will be done.  

Thank you for your grace and understanding as I try to manage this seasonal change and still balance wife, mom and ministry responsibilities.  Your prayers are appreciated on my behalf as I push forward during this very exciting, yet demanding time in my life.  I will try to have periodic posts on my Facebook ministry page, Hester's Heart, if you would like to connect with me there.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."  Romans 15:13 (NIV 1984)

Love, Hester