I am excited to announce the release of a fabulous new book targeted to the unsure wavering audience, "For the Love of God: A Woman's Guide to Finding Faith and Getting Grace," by Jenny Suplizio. I recommend this book not just because I had the blessing to contribute a portion to chapter 7, but really, this work is a helpful tool that offers hope, grace, freedom and a whole lot of love, God's love.
Jenny writes with candid honesty strait to the heart. While sharing her own faith struggles, she allows readers to see, that she too, has been there. Jenny wrestled through her doubts and questions with God and emerged a new creation in Christ Jesus. She knew she was called to minister to others walking in those same shoes. Through her humor and humility, she gently nudges readers to abandon their fears and embrace Jesus, the only One worth pursuing.
Please welcome Jenny Sulpizio. I'm thrilled to have her with me today for a short interview regarding her new book.
What inspired you to write this book? Why did you want to reach out to new believers and/or those struggling in their walk with God?
Plain and simple: I've been there. In fact, I resisted a relationship with the Lord for so, so long. Despite His best efforts to get my attention. Despite the emptiness I felt and the longing I had. I understand those feelings of fear when it comes to walking with the Lord, the uncertainty one has when it comes to seeking their Creator, and I wanted to provide these women the encouragement they need as they seek God and what it means to be His daughter.
Why do you think so many people struggle when it comes to the issue of discipling? Why is it so hard to talk about Jesus?
Honestly, I struggle with this at times and I'm not sure of all the reasons why. But here's what I do know . . . we are called to disciple and make His Name known. We are absolutely commissioned by God to defend Christ, to share His gift of salvation, and to disciple others in the faith. That is why we are here. In fact, this is our entire pupose on Earth . . . not to shine the light on ourselves or live this life for our desires and plans, but to live solely for Christ and to share the Gospel with those He places in our circles of influence.
In your book, you mention your defiance towards the Lord. In fact you discuss how you willingly made God an outsider in your life, pushed Him away, and ignored His presence. Why do you think this is a widespread epidemic amongst our culture today?
For me, it was fear. I was afraid of what it would look like to truly believe in God . . . what it would mean. I was scared by what he might ask me to do, the rules He's want me to obey, as well as the guilt I'd have to confront should I choose to follow Him. I was a woman desperately in need of this loving, grace-filled relationship and yet I kept making excuses as to why I shouldn't or couldn't follow Him. One of 'em right after another.
Thank you, Jenny, for sharing your heart with us today.
Friends it's time to join Jenny in the God's Girl Movement, a movement designed to minister to women in need of true hope, true joy, true fulfillment . . . simply stated, they need Jesus - and they need women, like you and me to come alongside them in true discipleship - to link arms as we walk towards Christlikeness together. Will you join us, friends? Together, we can impact this world for Him.
To find out more information or to purchase a copy of this book, please click: here.
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